Grips - Everything you need to know about grips
Grips are the rubber handles you hold onto while riding a bike. They slide over your handlebars and are easily interchangable. You can select what color you want to how soft they are. If you want to select the best grips for you, select the color you want, select the style of pattern and try out as many as you can.
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Q: What bicycle/bike/bmx grips fit my bike?
A: If you have a bmx bike, mtb, fixed, beach cruiser, kids bike; all these grips will fit it. 99.9% bikes have a 7/8" bar which is the same as all of the grips we carry. If you need grips for a 12" department store bike they most likely do not fit becuase they are 5/8" bar. If you are trying to put these on a motorcycle whether it is a 3 wheeler, quad, 2 stroke or 4 stroke these will not fit easy because they have a 1" bar and a throttle. You can stretch them out and get them on but it is better to use motorcycle grips.
Q: What style of grips should you get?
A: There are 4 styles of grips. Single/dual ply grips which are a 1 or 2 color rubber grip that slides onto the handlebars. Lock-on rubber grips are a plastic tube that has a rubber grip wrapped around it and collars on each end to hold it onto the handlebars. Silicone grips are a air infused grip that feels like a sponge and come with or without lock-on collars. The Leather grips slide over the handlebars and use rubber to absorb the shock while the leather helps you grip it.
Q: How long do these grips last?
A: The life-expectancy varies from rider to rider. Some riders have delicate hands and on the opposite spectrum there are people out there with acid grip. Whether your grips wear out fast or slow, pick a grip that is comfortable, isn't slippery, and the color you like.
Q: Which grips give you the most traction/grip?
A: There are 2 rubber styles of grips and over lap to make 3 rubber styles. There is a ribbed pattern which has a bunch of small rings to remove sweat & create grip. The opposite style is a thinner solid rubber with small pyramids to create traction. The 3rd is a combination of both and they come in various combinations. With so many selections, just pick one, there will be plenty of grips you will try.
Silicone grips come as a solid tube shaped air infused rubber which your hands wear the grip to the shape of your hand and a formed style is pre-formed to decrease the wear in time. Both styles of these grips feel more like a dense foam than rubber.
Leather grips come in a wrapped style similar to a golf club or a lock-on version where loops of leather are stacked and slid over the lock-on plastic tube. This style feels super secure when holding tight.
Q: How long of grips should I invest into?
A: Grips vary in length from 130mm -180mm and this is the over all length of the grip in millimeters. 150mm is considered short and all grips can be cut down shorter with scissors or razor blade. If you have shifters aka what changes gears on a multi-speed bike the easiest grips to cut down are the ribbed grips. You can also cut off the flange ( the large cone style of the grip ) to make it a shorter grip that will fit your bike.
Q: Do these grips match the color of my bike?
A: Color shades are hard to match exactly even when its a product from the same production batch. Always keep in mind your monitor may not be calibrated to my screen or to the color selected when the photo was taken. Our best suggestion is try as many colors and styles as possible, they are the smallest investment on your bike. This is the only part on your bike that you physically touch with your skin, try as many as possible your hands will love you.
Q: What barends do my grips come with?
A: Grips come with many different styles of bar ends. Bar ends are the plastic, rubber or metal cap that goes on the end of your handlebar to keep dirt from getting inside or injury. The best ones are the Odyssey parend style ones, ODI rubber ones, and metal ones. The parend style ones last for a long time and are extremely lightweight. The ODI ones don't bounce back as fast and the wear slightly faster. The aluminum ones are heavy duty but much lightly heavier. Go with the par end style or metal ones if you want it them to last.
Q: Should I get grips with flanges or without?
A: Flanges are the rubber ring on the end of the grip to keep your hands from sliding inward on your handlebars. They are designed to protect your thumbs from the brake lever. Flangless are grips without them. If I would have to tell you straight up. You want to ride flangeless grips if you don't have brake and flanged if you ride brake. Never forget that this is bmx so do whatever you want.
Q: Should I get leather grips?
A: Leather grips are designed for style and class. If you want a classic looking bike and love sports with leather equipment then these are the style you want. The base is rubber to slide on like a normal grip, then stitched to give you the highest quality grip available.
Q: Should you get single ply grips, Lock-on grips, foam grips, or Leather grips?
A: The single ply grips are best for riders wanting a slimmer grip. Lock-on grips are slightly thicker but supply supreme slip resistance. Foam grips are the best grips for riders that can't find a grip that absorbs the sweat when riding. Leather grips are best looking on elegant machines and non aggressive riding.
Q: Are grips thicker than others?
A: Depending on the style or pattern the grips feel thicker or thinner. Knurled style grips are usually the thinnest grips and ribber are usually the thickest grips. If you have super small hands or a 7 or under we suggest a thinner grip that is knurled. If you have larger hands the ribbed ones will feel larger.
Q: What grips are the softest?
A: The ribbed grips are the thickest grips making them the softest. Check out the grips below, these are grips we suggest and won't steer you wrong.
3 of the best Rubber grips we suggest are the Vans X Cult grips, S&M Hoder grips & ODI Longneck grips, which are all manufactured in the ODI warehouse right here in Riverside, California.
3 of the best Lock-on grips we suggest are the Vans grips, ODI Elite Pro grips & Ergon GA3 grips, which are ridden by most pro bmxers.
3 of the best foam grips we suggest are the ESI Chunky, ODI Dread Lock grips, Wolf tooth Fat paw
3 of the best Leather Grips are the Brooks Slender leather, Brooks Plump Leather grips, and Ritchey Classics