Billy Perry OFF VOLUME on...
Billy Perry announced on Instagram that he is no longer on Volume. He talks about how long he has been on the team as well how it started. He also dropped a Youtube video with more in depth explanation of all the years being on Volume bikes. It is a really good watch I highly suggest you checking it out.
He leaves the common BMX sponsored rider post "It's time for a new chapter". Does he have a team he is going to be riding for? Did Volume let him go, leaving him with nowhere to go? Is he getting on Huffy BMX? He's holds himself as a really professional rider, rides extremely well and I believe he has something lined up. It must be big if he left all the signature parts, frames and bike for something else. Watch the Vlog below, read his quote on IG, then leave a comment below to where you think he is going.
Billy Perry word:
"As of today I will no longer be riding for @volumebikes . I can’t thank Volume enough for the past 13 years - From starting out on grass roots to being a pro with a full signature line is crazy to me. It was always my dream growing up to be a pro bike rider one day and it wouldn’t have happened without Volume giving me an opportunity. Nothing but love and wishing the best of luck to everyone involved in the future 🤝 It’s time for a new chapter 🚲
Special thanks to La, @briancastillo @kennygetsome @mikemastroni @joshclemens @curtbmx and the team for everything over the years"
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